Hello Enterprising Women,

Welcome to the world of whole body health and healthy entrepreneurship! My favorite two passions!

Since you are here it is my guess that you are pondering a next level move to elevate your health and or income. Well, this is a good place to either start, get unstuck, elevate your health or have a well-deserved money breakthrough!

You may have thought of or talked about elevating your health or breaking through a money plateau, but you were either too busy with the day to day business operations, or taking care of family matters, and found yourself just too dang busy, stressed or too tired to make it happen. Self-care was on the back burner, Right?

So, now that you are here and ready, take the first step. Start with a health breakthrough, the #1 priority, why because without it everything else is secondary and it will have a definite favorable influence on the way you do business.

Get my Women’s Essential Guide to Plant-Based Eating .  It’s my #1 business strategy right along with mastering your Money Mindset (Tip: do the Money Quiz, it’s under Gifts!) This Guide will show you how eating plant foods will help you beat disease. You will have a guide to:

  • Reset your gut (microbiome) … for better overall health

  • Strengthen your immune system 

  • Release stubborn peri-menopause/menopause weight gain and successfully navigate other symptoms

  • Protect your heart from cardiovascular disease, the #1 killer of women, and

  • Lower your risks for cancer…as a Result

  • Your Bottom Line: You will have more energy, drive and focus to strategically support a healthier body and ultimately, a healthy business!

    Yes, you are in the right place if you want a healthy body and business~

    Get on board… get the Women’s Essential Guide and take the free Money Archetype Quiz and find out how your money strengths (and weaknesses) impact your business!

To authentically change your body or your business, you must start with taking care of things from the inside out.

Welcome, Your feminine health and money journey start here!

Enterprising Women… Is This You?

You want an ongoing, natural approach to become your healthy best self.

Ultimate self-care is your personal mantra (or it will be).

You want to reset your old money story and breakthrough your money plateau.

You want a strong immune system to protect your body from all the bugs.

You want to keep your energy reserves in check to get you where you want to go in life.

You want to successfully navigate the perimenopause to post menopause journey

And, you want to be a bad a**super-ager – have a healthy business, feel, look and do, you know, Well at whatever your age or business stage.

Well, you can do this… you have the Power…!
But, you probably need a little help, right? You cannot do this work alone. Take a look at how we can co-work together below.

Enterprising Women…Elevate Your Business Success
Here’s How We Can Work Together

Health, Money and Business VIP Day Experiences
Womens’ Health and Business Network


Introducing Breakthrough Your Money Plateau and Thrive! A VIP Day Mentoring Experience

Let’s transform Your Money Mindset, Breakthrough Your Money Blocks and Create A Signature System That Sells!



The Well Woman

A Virtual Health and Business Hub for Busy Enterprising Women

Client Love

  • "Working with Barbara, I found her personable, professional and on point with women's health and wellness solutions. She helped me to tune in and understand her holistic approach to get the results I wanted.”

    ~ Lam

Attention Spas, Small Businesses and Wellness Practitioners

A special Wellness Solution for Health Conscious Service Providers, Employers, Small Businesses, Executives, Organizations and Wellness Practitioners

Perhaps you are not an entrepreneur but a smart corporate executive, emerging small business owner or organization that knows WHEN YOUR TEAM THRIVES SO DOES YOUR BUSINESS, right? So it makes good business sense to have a wellness program for your employees or clients. A plan that focuses on health, mental wellness, and self-care options. What can you do as a health-conscious employer or service provider to support your audience?

Work together with us to form a Functional Wellness Team… we will do the heavy lifting.

Health and Wellness Choices for Health Conscious Employers and Wellness Service Providers

Meet Your Coach

Hello, thank you for stopping by. It is good to virtually meet you! I am Barbara Hulin, a certified women’s wellness health and money coach and nutritional therapist. Since you are here, let me tell you a little about me and what I stand for in the world of women’s wellness.

My world is all about the gut-mind hormone connection and elevating our money mindset for a happy, vibrant  life, especially as women.   Being a person who was born with ovaries, I find that we deal with more profound cyclical changes that can be thrown out of whack by environmental stressors and stages of life.

 At this point I have lived through the stages. From premenstrual syndrome to postmenopause (and it does not entirely stop there). Let me just say, having had first hand experience, hormones can be wonky, no joke, and once they do they affect many facets of a woman’s well-being. Your emotions, sleep, brain function, weight, libido, migraines and breasts. But now there are clean, healthful solutions that are available. Not so much when I first started down this road.   

So, whether you are a mompreneur, entrepreneur, business executive, celebrity or high achieving working professional, it does not matter. We all have female bodies and similar female-centered concerns. I would be happy to help you sort yours out.

My Approach

Whole Body Health… Healthy Business

As humans, I like to think of our bodies as a unique network with all kinds of amazing connections that support us in a big way with our daily life. 

The key, of course,  is to have a well-functioning internal network, that will support us in achieving our personal and professional goals for the long-term.

That leads to my woman-centered whole-body and healthy business approach. What is it? A simple example, if I am working with you to reset your money story I may include options to help you balance your hormones. Why? because your (stress) hormones can have a direct impact on how you do money.  It is a mind-body-and yes, healthy business connection.  

So, if you want a quick fix with minimal commitment, I am probably not your person and that is totally alright. We each need to know our person.  But if you are ready to commit yourself to a whole-body-healthy business approach… well that is my jam.

My Three Nurturing Philosophies

Food As Medicine

As you probably have gathered by now, for me and with supporting my clients, a plant-powered lifestyle is an essential place to start for optimal health!  Once you have made the commitment to plant-power your lifestyle…It is simple to start and to maintain.

Mindset As Food

I consider mindset and mental health and well-being as secondary foods. Without feeding your mind in a positive light, a healthy mindset about your health or business will be difficult to achieve or sustain. This is a key factor.

Movement As Medicine

Although I do not offer physical fitness programs, I do recommend them as an integral part of achieving and sustaining your health goals. 

Here is a resource that I highly recommend if you like exercising at home. Body Groove. Yes!  Body Groove offers a variety of on-demand dance inspired fitness workouts for women. Everything from yoga, pilates to HIIT programs. You will have a ton of options and healthy fun! Do not let the word dance turn you away.  Get grooving. 

Go to:  www.bodygroove.com


  • That totally depends on where you are with your health, what your health goals are and how committed you are to making them a reality.

  • That would be my VIP Day Intensives. Please contact me below to discuss.

  • Yes I do. See my business section, you can contact me there for this type of service.

  • Yes, my program offerings are online and can be accessed via the internet.

  • Primarily, yes. But, I can work with smart health conscious men who are highly motivated in changing their health.


Women’s Health and Business Tips!

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Make health your #1 priority and experience a naturally healthy shift in your overall wellness with this guide:

Contact Barbara

Let’s connect! Please use the form below, or you can email me directly at hello@barbarahulin.com.