Small Businesses, Executives, Organizations and Medical Practitioners 

Perhaps you are not an entrepreneur but a smart corporate executive, emerging small business owner or organization that knows WHEN YOUR TEAM THRIVES SO DOES YOUR BUSINESS, right? So it makes good business sense to have a wellness plan for your employees. A plan that focuses on health, mental wellness, and self-care options for your team. What can you do as a health-conscious employer to support your employees?

Work together with us to form a Wellness Team…we will do the heavy lifting.

We also like to help busy medical practitioners who are just too busy on a regular basis and do not have the bandwidth or health and wellness expertise to provide your patients ongoing healthful program choices. We can help you provide the missing wellness link, healthy ongoing programming for your patients.* What can you do as an enlightened healthcare provider?

The Heavy Lifting

As part of your wellness team, we can provide various Done For You online wellness workshops, courses and programs. We work with executives,  health care leaders and organizations to create an ongoing wellness strategy to help keep your participants on a healthy pathway.

What that can look like for your audience: your choice of health specific Done For You  wellness support with convenient online access for your participants.  Here are just some of the course and program wellness topics we can provide.

  1. Stress Less Course

  2. Healthy Habits or Body Reboot

  3. Mindset Makeover for Mental Well-Being

  4. Power Up! Plant Power Group Course*

  5. Simple Weight Loss Course

  6. Kids’ Wellness Self-Esteem or Mental Wellness (this is for the parents)

  7. CEO Mindset: Self-Care Practices for CEOs, Leaders, Managers

Plant-Powered Program

If you are a medical healthcare professional who wants to support your patients with a sustainable clean eating plant-powered program, we have a 21-day online group course: Power Up! 21 Day Plant Power.

Download our free “Essential Guide to Start a Plant-Powered Lifestyle” below:

Business or Medical Wellness Program

Inquiry Form

Not sure which is the best pathway for your employees or patients? No problem, just fill out and submit the Inquiry Form below to schedule a Wellness Clarity call with one of our wellness coaches.